MODERn Morse Taper
Easy, Safe and Simplified Installation (!)
Conical Drills have the same Implant geometry
Only 2-3 Drills to install Implants Ø3.75
No pilot drill, counter sink or screw tap required
High Primary Stability. Balanced Torque
Hybrid macro geometry
Conical apex | Parallel body | Slightly conical coronal flange
Short Implants from 6 mm
Ø3.75 and 4.8
Cortical Preservation Potential
Micro Threads up to the platform flange
Better stress distribution to tissue and higher coronal strength
(!) See Surgical Sequence.
Microbiological Sealing
Absence of leakage and micromovement
Efficient Morse seating of Components including during provisionalization
Very stable and strong Interface
Superior Esthetic Results
Platform Switching and Micro Threads in all diameters
Concave emergence Components to enhance esthetics
Increased biological width
Better hypothesis for cortical bone preservation and soft tissue maintenance
High Preload Screw
Low friction biocompatible coating
Sealing and complete seating of Components
Same Screw for all Components*
SmartPegs are available for all P-I Interfaces. Please refer to www.osstell.com
* Except Locator® and Straight Conical Abutment.
Prosthetic Reversibility
Retriever reverses sealing without stressing tissue
Hexagonal indexation
Multi Platform
Use of any Component on any Implant
More Component diameter options for all Implant platforms
Placement Oriented by Biological Width. Flexible Positioning
Ideal positioning oriented by tridimensional biological width
Possible placement slightly below crestal margin or further submersion*
Conical Interface of 17°
Mountless Installation
Insertion Driver with biological width, esthetic and dimensional references
Same Driver for handpiece, manual use and Torque Wrench
One Driver for all Implants