Our high performance instruments allow for greater control and precision. Technologies that simplify implant dentistry for an enhanced patient focus. Our modern solutions provide reliable results with faster and safer procedures for professionals and patients.
Conical Drills
Customized for special Implant geometries
Safety, control and durability*
Design helps to avoid undesired movements and overdrilling
3 cutting angles providing low friction
Easy, Safe and Simplified Installation (!)
Conical Drills have the same Implant geometry
Only 2-3 Drills to install Implants Ø3.75 or 4.0
No pilot drill, counter sink or screw tap required
6 Conical Drills for all Implants
Interfaces and Geometries: HEX-S | HEX | AMP-S | AMP | MT
Diameters: 3.3 | 3.75 | 4.0 | 4.8 | 5.0
Lengths: 6 – 15 mm
Surfaces: Ospol® | M+N
Dense Drills. Careful removal of cortical bone (!)
Gradual preparation of coronal region at low speed | 15 - 50 rpm
Avoid use of counter sink and screw tap
(!) See Surgical Sequence.
*When Instruments are correctly cleaned and sterilized individually, without contact, and in the absence of any mechanical damages. The full view of the Drill markings occurs when the tools are in rotation. See Instrument Guidance.

Implant Insertion Drivers
Same Driver for all Implants and Interfaces*
One Driver for manual use, handpiece and Torque Wrench
Biological References
Biological width, esthetic and dimensional references during surgery**
(!) See Surgical Sequence.
*Except HEX-S and HEX Platform Ø3.5.
** Indication of biological width and alignment of Components slices and flats to Implant index.
Torque Wrench
Surgical and Prosthetic
Biosafety | Only 2 easy-to-clean parts
High precision | Does not require adjustments
Implant and Prosthetic Drivers adapt directly
Prosthetic Reversibility
Morse Taper Retriever
Reverses effective Morse sealing of Components without transmission of stress to tissue
One Universal Driver
Prosthetic Driver
Hexagonal Ø1.2 Driver for all Components and Interfaces*
Captures Screws*
Driver directly adapts to Torque Wrench