HEX-S | SOlid
Enhanced Macrogeometry
Easy, Safe and Simplified Installation (!)
Conical Drills have the same implant geometry
Only 2-3 Drills to install Implants Ø3.75
No pilot drill, counter sink or screw tap required
High Primary Stability. Balanced Torque
Hybrid macro geometry
Conical apex | Parallel body | Slightly conical coronal flange
Coronal Strength
Micro Threads up to platform flange
Better stress distribution to cortical bone
Increased coronal strength for use with inclined implants techniques
HEX | FuncTional
Easy, Safe and Simplified Installation (!)
Conical Drills have the same Implant geometry
Only 2-3 drills to install implants Ø3.75
No pilot drill, counter sink or screw tap required
High Primary Stability. Balanced Torque
Hybrid macro geometry
Conical apex | Parallel body | Slightly conical coronal flange
Short Implants from 6 mm
Ø3.75, 4.0 and 5.0
Recommended for partial prosthesis
Intellectual property of Professor P-I Brånemark, designed jointly with renowned professionals.
(!) See Surgical Sequence.

More Soft Tissue Space
Parallel emergence Components
Requires less removal of cortical bone
Platform Switching
Platform Ø5.1 allows for 4.1 Components
Minimal switching of Ø0.15 mm in all platforms
Original dimensions of hexagon and platform on Ø4.1
Mountless Installation
Insertion Driver with biological width, esthetic and dimensional references
Same Driver for handpiece, manual use and Torque Wrench
One Driver for all Implants*
Versatile Interface
Recommended for total and partial prosthesis
Easy prosthetic maintenance