Our wide-ranging prosthetic line values achieving and maintaining esthetic results. Each Interface has solutions favoring emergence profiles and includes a variety of dimensions, materials and CAD/CAM customization.
Soft Tissue Healing
Healing Options
Divergent or concave and parallel emergences
Conical Abutment
Indicated for Multiple and Single*, screw-retained prosthesis
Emergence profiles provide more space for soft tissue
Universal prosthetic platform
Straight and angled Abutments, 17° and 30°
* Morse Taper and Amplified® Straight Conical Abutments can be used for single prosthesis. Please select corresponding Components and verify available interocclusal space.
Abutment Cemented Cylinder
Indicated for single or multiple, cement retained prosthesis
Emergence profiles provide more space for soft tissue
Anterior and posterior options
Faster and easier procedure - Use with or without pre-fabricated castable cylinders
Abutments “0”, without pre-determined cement line
* Abutments “0” are not compatible with the Healing, Impression and Analogs.
Esthetic Abutment
Indicated for single or multiple, cement-retained prosthesis
Emergence profiles provide more space for soft tissue
Personalization flexibility
Angled Abutments 15°
Contour Abutment | Morse Taper
Indicated for single or multiple, cement-retained prosthesis (!)
Emergence profiles provide more space for soft tissue
Easy and fast prosthetic procedure
(!) Contour Abutment design above the margin is the same as Zimmer Contour abutments. Contour prosthetic components are not listed in the P-I Catalog. Please check availability in your region.
Cylinders over Implant
Indicated for single or multiple, cemented or screw-retained prosthesis
Emergence profiles provide more space for soft tissue
Titanium Cylinders for provisional and CoCrMo for definitive prosthesis
Flexibility for prosthetic design
(!) Castable, overcasting and lab modified Components may present inferior adaptation. Internal and seating structure’s dimensional integrity of Cylinders and screws, including Morse Taper sealing of Components, cannot be ensured.
Universal Instruments and Components
Zest Locator® for Amplified® and Morse Taper
Ball Abutment Ø2.5mm, External Hexagon
(!) Locator® and Ball Abutment components and instruments are universal and are not commercialized by P-I. Locator® Abutment is compatible with Zest components and instruments. Please check availability in your region.
CAD / CAM Solutions
Scan Bodies (!)
Multiple* for intraoral and desk scanners
Links (!)
Height flexibility for customized hybrid Abutments